Best Fruits, Flowers & Vegetables to Grow in the Month of February

Best Fruits, Flowers & Vegetables to Grow in the Month of February

February gardening is also known as spring gardening. The outside atmosphere is cold, but some plants can be grown outdoors and some in greenhouse atmosphere or indoors. Here is the list of all the fruits, vegetables, and flowers that can be sown & grown in the month of February.


February is the end month of winters. There are plenty of fruits, vegetables and flowers that grow in this month. February gardening is also known as spring gardening. Outside atmosphere is cold, but some plants can be grown outdoors and some in green house atmosphere or indoors.

Here is the list of all the fruits, vegetables and flowers that can be sown & grown in the month of February.

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Vegetables to be sown in February

Here is the list of vegetable crops to be sown in the February month-

  1. Broad beans, carrots, early beetroots, lettuce, green salad onions, peas, radish, spinach, summer cabbage are some of the crops that can be grown under cloches in February month.

  2. Garlic, Shallots. Hardy board beans are some crops that can be grown outdoors in the month of February, but make sure that the soil is not frozen.

  3. Early potatoes, cucumber, tomato seeds, peas, basil, brassicas, cauliflower, sweet peppers are some vegetables and crops that can be grown in the month of February in Green house conditions or indoors.

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Fruits to be Grown in the Month of February

Here is the list of fruits that can be grown in the month of February.

  1. Raspberry canes, red-currants, white-currants, black-currants and blackberries can be planted in the month of February, but make sure the soil is not frozen.

  2. Bare-root strawberry, stone fruits such as apricots, peaches, nectarines, and gooseberries can be grown in the month of February.

  3. Rhubarb crowns can be grown in the month of February in sunny position.



Flowers to be Grown in the Month of February

Here is the list of flowers that can be grown in the month of February.

  1. Lilies, allium bulbs can be grown in both autumn and spring. So February is the best month to plant lilies and allium bulbs outdoors.

  2. Bare root roses, some winter flowering shrubs including daphane, witch hazel, dawn can be planted in February.

  3. Begonia tubers, antirrhinums, dahlia tubers, geraniums, chrysanthemum plants can be grown in February month in greenhouse conditions or indoors.

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