This Is How Often You Need To Water Your Plants

This Is How Often You Need To Water Your Plants

"When in doubt, feel the soil."

"When in doubt, feel the soil." This Is How Often You Need To Water Your Plants

Sometimes caring for your plants feels like a full time job. There's so much to remember, from feeding your plants to making sure they get enough sunlight. To make it just a little bit easier for you, we try to break down exactly when you should water the most common houseplants. But first, here are a few general rules to remember.

Think of soil like a dry sponge, it repels water at first rather than immediately absorbing it. "If you’ve ever watered a plant, and the water immediately came through the bottom, then you have not watered that plant. The water went around the soil, not into it, and for many plants, it’s wise to have drainage, because you can soak them to be sure that they are absorbing the water.

Another thing to keep in mind is that the amount of water your little green baby needs depends on its size. Smaller plants need more attention and frequent waterings than larger plants. Additionally, plants that get more sunlight also need to be watered more frequently. As a general rule, "the amount of water to use is always about ¼ to ⅓ the pot’s volume of water." And if after all that you're still confused, here are a few parting words of wisdom for you: "When in doubt, feel the soil!"


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