Organic Foods

It is MahaGro’s earnest endeavor not to compromise on health as well as the taste of our customers in everything and anything that we deliver.

We offer 100% organic food, which means that the vendors from which we sources the raw materials are all certified organic farmers. It is to be noted that there is a difference between 100% certified organic food and ‘organically-grown’ food. The latter means that food is grown by organic means, but not necessarily in a farm certified as organic farm, while the former means that food is grown in a land certified as organic farm, with 100% organic means.
Organic food contains about 40% more anti-oxidants than non-organic food. According to scientists, this can reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease.
The levels of anti-oxidants in organic milk are 90% higher compared with non-organic milk.
Organic crops significantly contain more nutrients – Vitamin-C, Iron, Magnesium and Phosphorus – and significantly less nitrates than conventional crops.
According to Food scientist Alyson E. Mitchell (PhD) and colleagues at the University of California, plants sprayed with insect- and fungus-killing chemicals wouldn't make as many flavonoids as organically-grown plants. Organic berries and corn had significantly more flavonoids than those grown by conventional methods.
A 10-year study conducted by the University of California finds that organically grown tomatoes have higher levels of flavonoids, which may protect against cardiovascular disease. Researchers from The Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry found that the level of one flavonoid in the organic tomatoes was almost twice as high as that in conventionally-grown tomatoes
According to Clare McKindley, clinical dietitian in MD Anderson’s Cancer Prevention Center, consuming organic foods can reduce the risk of ingesting commercially-produced pesticides and chemicals.
Organophosphate pesticides are known to cause damage in the brain. Several studies conducted on insects and even humans reveal that these dangerous chemicals block critical enzymes and disrupt the nervous system. One of those enzymes, called ALDH, or aldehyde dehydrogenase, clears the brain of a toxin called DOPAL. When your ALDH is blocked, the DOPAL builds up, and higher levels of DOPAL can cause Parkinson’s disease.
Exposure to common pesticides can increase the risk of Parkinson’s. If you have a gene variant that makes you vulnerable to the disease, then the risk multiplies by 600% if you’re exposed to organophosphate pesticides.
Pesticide exposure has also been linked to cancer, memory loss, dementia and many more diseases. If going organic could help prevent all that, then it’s WORTH THE EXTRA MONEY.

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